Hair and Eyelash Extension Technician
American Board Certified Haircolorist
A Clean Process
Our colorization process is unique since we do not use any toxic chemicals (i.e. ammonia and/or bleach derivatives) in the de-pigmentation and pigmentation process of our hair. The result is colorfast hair that has not been subjected to damaging ammonia and/or bleach chemicals to remove the hairs original color.
Patented Bond
In 1992, Great Lengths International developed and patented the first pre-tipped, synthesized keratin bond polymer. The GL Synthesized Keratin Bond molecular structure is specifically designed to mimic the molecular structure of human hair. The result gives the Great Lengths bond functionality that is not available in any other hair bonding compound in the market- place.
The functionality is the Great Lengths bond has the ability to expand and contract with human hair.
For example, when you wash your hair the hair shaft expands, when it dries it contracts. Bonds that do not possess such function will soon begin to shed the extensions and ultimately slide off the client’s natural hair completely.
Only our extensions are capable of this flexibility and are virtually impossible to detect; offering our valued clients tremendous versatility.